Husky Homes Blog - Blog Archive: November, 2021

Create Space

Create the Illusion of Indoor Space

Having space within the home is important to most homeowners. If everything is too small and cluttered, it can make an otherwise charming home seem claustrophobic and unpleasant. With that said, adding space to your home can be a significant ordeal that comes with a lot of cost; at the very least, adding space means a major remodeling project even if you don’t have to make major modifications like taking out a wall.

It’s often possible to create the illusion of space without actually making modifications to the home, though. The available options will depend on the layout of your house and a few other factors, of course. If you want to make your home seem a lot more open without making major changes or…

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The Process of Buying

Every Fall in Wisconsin, the weather starts to get chilly, and the real estate market generally cools down. There tends to be fewer homes for sale (compared to spring/summer inventory levels), and there are also fewer buyers searching for homes leading into the holidays. With the holidays comes a lot of joy and (hopefully) relaxation, but for many, it also means planning for tax time and setting goals for the upcoming year. Renters are often thinking ahead about if they want to re-sign a lease, or jump into the market, but it’s difficult for many to understand where to start. Fall is the perfect time to get educated about what it takes to buy a home – whether that is your first home, your next home, or your last one.

Regardless of…

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Moms - Have you been looking around your house thinking "we are SO out of room here," but dread even the thought of moving with kids? Don't stress! I've got the moving tips to keep you sane in the mom brain. 1. Hire movers if you can. It's going to make moving day less stressful especially with kiddos running around. Chasing kids around loading up the truck? That is chaotic. I have GREAT local movers I can recommend! 2. Pre-pack before you list. You want your house and your closets to be about 15% empty before you list your property. Getting the pre-work done makes the final packing SO much easier! 3. Color code your moving boxes by room. Seriously, this one is a GAMECHANGER! Primary bedroom: blue! Kid's bedroom: pink! Kitchen: green!…

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Renters Missed Out on $51,500 This Past Year

Renters Missed Out on $51,500 This Past Year | MyKCM

Rents have increased significantly this year. The latest National Rent Report from shows rents are rising at a rate much higher than the three years leading up to the pandemic:

“Since January of this year, the national median rent has increased by a staggering 16.4 percent. To put that in context, rent growth from January to September averaged just 3.4 percent in the pre-pandemic years from 2017-2019.”

Looking back, we can see rents rising isn’t new. The median rental price has increased consistently over the past 33 years (see graph below):If you’re thinking of renting for another year, consider that rents will likely be even higher next year. But that alone doesn’t…

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Knowledge Is Power When It Comes to Appraisals and Inspections

Knowledge Is Power When It Comes to Appraisals and Inspections | MyKCM

Buyers in today’s market often have questions about the importance of getting a home appraisal and an inspection. That’s because high buyer demand and low housing supply are driving intense competition and leading some buyers to consider waiving those contingencies to stand out in the crowded market.

But is that the best move? Buying a home is one of the most important transactions in your lifetime, and it’s critical to keep your best interests in mind. Here’s a breakdown of what to expect from the appraisal and the inspection, and why each one can potentially save you a lot of time, money, and headaches down the road.

Home Appraisal

The home appraisal is a critical step for…

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