Strategies for Downsizing

Downsizing may suddenly become a necessity for many homeowners for various reasons. As an example, our team often comes across homeowners who have lived and grown in their homes for over 10 years as they raised their family, expanded their work from home (or school from home) set-up, and so on. While a large house with tons of storage space and a big yard is wonderful for certain time periods in your life; it also comes with a lot more maintenance, expense, and sometimes a headache.

When the time comes to seriously consider if your once-perfect home is now “too much” to take care of, this is not a decision to take lightly. We hear sometimes from homeowners that they want to age in place, but due to mobility challenges with stairs or a split floor plan, it is no longer realistic. We also sometimes hear that the yard was once a fun thing to take care of and mow, and gardens were once prosperous, but now it is difficult to find time to do the maintenance, and so another expense gets added on to hire an outside vendor to help to make sure it just gets done.

Whatever the situation is, it is a big change for anyone to go from a larger space to a smaller space. We tend to accumulate things over the years that fill all the drawers, closets, garages and basement spaces, and then we also forget about those things as they collect dust in storage. When the time comes to find a new space, the real fun begins to start to work through all those items that have been building up over the years and to figure out if they should make the move with you or not.

The first step for anyone looking to downsize is to start by cleaning out your current house. This is the biggest undertaking, and it will take the longest amount of time. Depending on if you have lived in your home for 5 years or 30+ years, this may take you a couple of months…or it could take significantly longer, especially if there are outbuildings and/or multiple generations to clean out.

Our team specializes in helping you take this first step. We can help you by walking through your home room-by-room and putting together a game plan for what should stay, what should be thrown away, what can be donated, sold, etc. We will put these tasks on a list for you and check in methodically over a period that we specify so we can help you stay on track to hit your downsizing goals. We can also connect you to professional junk removal companies, arrange for furniture pick-up, and list items for you on Facebook Marketplace.

One thing remains true across all homeowners looking to downsize – this is a process that takes time, and we understand that. Let us help you take that next step.

Posted by Alison Crim on
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