The 3 Things you need to know when you want to upgrade to a larger home!

Join Alison, Solveig and Anna Wise from UWCU for a "First Time Sellers" happy hour on Wednesday, November 2 at 6:00pm where we'll answer all your burning questions about selling for the first time! "first time sellers." This will be a casual conversation for questions and answers to help you get started and plan for your sale & move! Here are some of the tips & questions we'll be discussing:

1) Start early. When you're selling your home and buying a new home at the same time, you need to make a plan for timing - what time of year do you want to move? When are you going to get the most money for your home? What fixes or upgrades do you need to make before selling? When you start planning early - at least 6 months before you are thinking you want to move - , you'll be able to get your home ready for sale without stress and rush, and have time to find the right next home for you.
2) Talk to your lender/financial advisor. There are tons of options to get you from your home to the next one, but it's not one size fits all. Can you pull equity out of your home to make a down payment on the next home or do you need to have cash? Can you carry two mortgages at once if you need to buy first and sell after? Or do you need to make your next home purchase contingent on the sale of your current home? We need to know the money info in order to accomplish your timing goals!
3) Talk to your Realtor. You have an idea in your head of what your dream home looks like, but do you know what it costs? Do you know how competitive (or not) it will be to buy it? Do you know how frequently a home like that comes on the market (or how fast you might need to jump on it)? Talking to your Realtor will help set your expectations about how much the home you want will cost, how quickly you might expect to find it, or if you might need to reset your expectations or even consider building instead of looking only at the existing home market. Your Realtor will also be able to give you a valuation of your existing home, which is a piece of the puzzle you'll need to fully understand the money and timing side of your move!
Hope to see you at our Happy Hour - bring a friend & bring your questions!
Posted by Solveig Schroerlucke on
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