The Importance of Curb Appeal

Whether buying or selling a home, the importance of a strong first impression is not something that should be overlooked. No matter how cute a home is from the inside, if the exterior looks like it has been neglected and/or it doesn’t aesthetically fit in with the rest of the neighborhood, most buyers won’t even take the next step to check out the inside- no matter how many updates you have done to the interior!  It really doesn’t take much to enhance your front porch and front yard to appeal to all people passing by; homebuyers, delivery drivers or neighborhood walkers!

Buyers tend to make a decision about if they are interested in a house or not in the first 10 seconds – wow! So, how do you make sure to maximize those first 10 seconds? Adding a cute front mat is essential and is the bare minimum, but layering a smaller welcome mat over a larger, patterned entry mat is even better. Then, add some fresh plants or bright flowers to frame the doorway – keep these trimmed and don’t forget to water them! If you are looking at selling your house and want to really make a “wow” impression with buyers as they walk in or drive fast, replace OR repaint that front door a bold color that pulls in accent colors and tones from other exterior features. Bonus, doors that allow natural light to flow through the front of the home are always certainly favored by buyers, too!

Adding curb appeal to your home, whether you are staying or going, is essential to really enjoying and embracing the space from the moment you walk-in. Without curb appeal, and with overdue exterior maintenance, you can be sure that those viewing the house from the outside will unfortunately assume the worst about the inside. All it takes is < $50 and a trip to Target! 

Posted by Alison Crim on
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